If you need a fresh style to the threaded comments of a standard Blogger template, here's a simple CSS that will help you to apply a different background, make your avatars rounded, add a border with rounded corners and a triangle which is actually an HTML entity to get that speech bubble look on your comments.
To have this style in your comments, all you need to do is to paste the below code inside the CSS part of the template, which is between the <b:skin> and </b:skin> tags.
Step 5. Finally, click on the "Save template" button... and you're done!
To have this style in your comments, all you need to do is to paste the below code inside the CSS part of the template, which is between the <b:skin> and </b:skin> tags.
Styling Simple Nested Comments with CSS
Step 1. From the Color Code GeneratorStep 5. Finally, click on the "Save template" button... and you're done!