Tips And Trick For Google Adsense

Tips And Trick For Google Adsense

The dreams of every blogger are to get more clicks on adsense Ads that put on their website. But do not be surprised if that hope was just so beyond our expectations due to ignorance on our website setting. There are many bloggers who set up their website for example by replacing the parts contained in their website. What they do is one trick, the trick to get more clicks on their adsense.

The best Adsense ads position on your blog.
  • Learn about the suitability of an advertising and adsense tricks disguise. Suitability adsense in this case means that the colors match the background color adsense. So when you put adsense in your website try to make adsense is seen as a link. Impersonation means that regular visitors know where you put adsense ads, so it is likely they will not click your ads. But you could probably use google adsense color blending.
  • Avoid using the label "Sponsored Links". If google has put the label "Ads by Google" on every Adsense ads them, then why do we have to put another label for the link Sponsor. Google said in their TOS  was wearing a "Sponsored links" to label their ads, they do not say anything if we do not labels on our ads.
  • You should Trying to get new visitors. Try to get a linkback from websites that have high pagerank so wesite you will be noticed by the search engine and you will get new visitors. Based on the experience of 100% new visitors will click on ads than regular visitors there.
  • I'm sure you can perform the above tips and remember the more time we devote to our website will eat the more revenue we achieve. So you have to keep updating your site every day to give something new to the visitors of your website. It's some Tips and Trick for Google Adsense. Thank's for visiting.

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