If you are using the
Nabble forum in your blog is very likely that this gadget will interest you because, as the title suggests, it will display the lastest topics that have been published in your lembaga in a very similar manner to the
recent comments gadget that works with the blog's feed.
If you want to add a list with the Recent Forum Topics then follow the steps below:
Go to your lembaga and look at the bottom where it says
Feeds, click on that link and then two links of the Feed will appear (the first being the
Topics only Feed and the other one is
Topics and replies) - choose the one you want.
After this, log in to your
Blogger Dashboard, go to
Layout, click on
Add a Gadget link, choose
Feed from the gadgets list and paste the Feed URL you have selected inside the text box.
Click on
Continue, and you only have to configure the parameters, then Save changes to see the results.
That's it! Enjoy :)